E. Haven Hawley
I collect items that provide me with insight about how people make and use printing technologies. Much of my collection is a mixture of manuals and teaching examples related to printing, papermaking, and related trades, from letterpress in the 19th century through stencil duplicating in the latter 20th century.
I also collect printed artifacts that allow me to learn about people whose voices I haven’t been able to learn about in other ways. Through my collection, I increase my understanding about how specific groups of people gain access to and use technologies, as they create shared identities and portray themselves to others.
Often, these two strands intertwine. Artifact analysis helps me to reconstruct evidence about printers and publishers who otherwise have not left many records. Studying a physical object alongside the text lets me consider the ways that specific people have used common technologies to advance their social values or identities.
The New Trail: A Book of Creative Writing by Indian Students.
Phoenix Indian School. Phoenix: Printed at the Phoenix Indian School, 1953.
Phoenix Indian School students pioneered a publication to document their traditions and promote inter-tribal dialog. First published in 1941, then enlarged and republished in 1953, The New Trail tested new, culturally-anchored and participatory concepts of student education.
Students wrote, drew art for, and printed The New Trail on the school’s printing equipment, guided by an adult artist-printer. The school yearbook made it possible for non-Native Americans to learn about diversity among tribes.
Doe’s Newtonian Almanack, and Agricultural and Miscellaneous Repertory; Calculated on an Original and Much Improved Plan, for the Year of Our Lord, 1823.
Doe, Benjamin. Portsmouth, N.H.: Harrison Gray & Co., Publisher, [1822].
Early Republic almanacs fostered scientific literacy at plough and hearth. With Doe’s Newtonian Almanack at hand, a farmer calculated daylight hours, predicted weather, and assessed seasonal prospects for specific crops. Sold in bulk to retailers or directly to customers, the almanac also included regional schedules and household advice.
4˚: A4 B2 C4 χ2 [$1 (-χ) signed]; 12 leaves, unpaginated. Point hole bottom of C2, near gutter. Incomplete. Stab binding and uncut leaves.
“Another New and Beautifully Illustrated Fancy Book….”
[New York? Boston?]: [s.n.], [186-]
A discreet 193 x 124 mm handbill, “Another New and Beautifully Illustrated Fancy Book” offered access to illicit books and prints for adventurous readers. Numerous illustrations enhanced the three books listed. A note penned into the margin promised sale of “12 fancy pictures for $1”. With protection of vendors and customers at a premium, such notices omitted contact information and promised secure, confidential delivery – for an additional price.