Portrait of a Lady, The Bay of Naples, A Nude that Would please Comstock, Coming down stairs [referring to the fulminating anti-vice activist Anthony Comstock), Portrait of a Girl, Our Only George [Washington, that is] Done by a Cubist, and The What is It?



Zoe Anderson Norris.


Portrait of a Lady, The Bay of Naples, A Nude that Would please Comstock, Coming down stairs [referring to the fulminating anti-vice activist Anthony Comstock), Portrait of a Girl, Our Only George [Washington, that is] Done by a Cubist, and The What is It?


In The East Side’s March/April 1913 issue, Zoe reviewed the Armory show that introduced Cubism to America. She hated it. After touring it with artists including East Side illustrator William Oberhardt, she was inspired to sketch sarcastically.  


From the Collection of Eve M. Kahn.