This heavily gilt and decorated binding in maroon goatskin is the work of the brothers Gregorio & Giovanni Andreoli, the finest Roman binders in the latter half of the century. They worked in the Vatican Library and were sought out by popes,…
Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s finest books were bound in this fashion: red goatskin, moderately decorated on the spine with his monogram and bearing the final version of his armorials surrounded by the collars of his royal orders. This binding was…
This Dentelle du Louvre binding is characterized by the armorials of Louis XIV with the collars of the Orders of St. Michael and the Holy Spirit, and especially by the interlaced oakleaf borders surrounding the armorials and forming the outer panels.…
The contemporary Parisian binding is for Paul Philippe Hardouin de Péréfixe de Beaumont, newly installed as cardinal-archbishop the same month of March in which the book completed printing. It is the dedication copy, containing his etched portrait…
This is a classic example of the style of binding that Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc preferred for the books in his very extensive library. It was created either in Paris or in Aix-en-Provence; if the latter, the binder was Simon Corberan, whom…