The binding of brown velvet over wooden boards is a rare survivor from the last third of the 15th century. Bindings in such fabrics as linen, silk, velvet, or tapestry were once common, especially for books of private devotion, like the present…
The binding is English from the 1830s. The panels affixed to the covers, however, have been saved from a French ca. 1500 binding of tan calf, with repeated roll-tool floral patterns that saw substantial favor over the final decade of the 15th and…
A rare miniature incunable by a renowned typefounder and printer. The binding design is inspired by a 1540s Parisian binding by Jean Picard for Jean Grolier. It was created in Paris by Théodore Hagué for Ambroise Firmin-Didot, in the 1870s. Hagué…
Brown calf blind-tooled in a panel and saltire pattern, with catches & clasps and five brass bosses on each cover, 1476 or later. The binding was created for the Benedictine abbey at Mount St. George (Georgenberg) in the Austrian Tyrol. The front…
Pigskin binding tooled in blind with brass catches & clasps, central bosses & corner pieces, ca. 1473, for the Benedictine monastery of St. Magnus at Füssen im Algäu, Bavaria. The binding may be the work of Johann Schüssler, who sold his five…