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  • Tags: twain-sketches

This working draft of Twain’s irreverent biblical satire shows that the author may have briefly considered writing a story not about Adam, but Cain (to whom he had intended to dedicate Roughing It prior to his editors’ objections). In later years…
Twain was playful about authorship. These two novellas purport to be his “translations” of the biblical story of Adam and Eve, told from their own perspectives. Twain’s retelling is a humorous take on gender politics. He revised Adam’s Diary several…

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The American Publishing Co. issued 1,369 copies of the salesman’s sample for Twain’s second authorized collection of short fiction; this copy was used by a salesman in Brooklyn and Manhattan.
Twain’s second authorized collection of short fiction reproduces fifty-six old magazine and newspaper pieces alongside seven new humorous works. The texts tackle a range of social topics from politics to child rearing, demonstrating the ethical…
This collection of sketches opens with the eponymous tale, apparently cut out from the original draft of A Tramp Abroad, concerning a pachyderm intended as a gift to the Queen of England who was allegedly purloined during a stopover in Jersey City…
First published in 1880 in an anonymous edition of as few of four copies, 1601 is a ribald story in which William Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, and other Elizabethan luminaries discuss flatulence, sex, and other taboo topics. Twain acknowledged his…
Twain’s semi-autobiographical reflection on Shakespeare, with an autograph note by Twain pasted inside the front cover: “Shakespeare gets a lot of applause for Hamlet, but if you had written it you couldn’t have got it accepted.” This is the first of…
The eponymous sketch of this collection also appeared under the title “A Literary Nightmare,” and concerns Twain’s encounter with what would be called in our day an “earworm”—specifically, a catchy jingle about streetcar conductors written by Isaac…
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