The unfinished Tom and Huck Among the Indians was printed for the first time by Henry Luce’s Life magazine in 1968, with illustrations by James McMullan.
Mary Mapes Dodge, the founding editor of the children’s magazine St. Nicholas, advertised Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer Abroad in this prospectus for the November 1893 issue. Ironically, she severely revised the story to the point of bowdlerization,…
The sensational and richly illustrated English magazine The Day’s Doings reprinted Mark Twain’s “Map of Paris” (first printed in his own magazine The Buffalo Express) in the November 5, 1870, issue. Twain teasingly laments that he forgot to engrave…
Elisha Bliss, president of Clemens’s publisher the American Publishing Company, considered The Galaxy a competitor, and requested that the author stop writing for it. In this letter Clemens denies the request, contending that “it is good advertising…
Clemens was given artistic license to start a humor department for William C. and Francis P. Church’s monthly magazine The Galaxy; his resulting “Memoranda” was a feature of every issue and advertised on many of the front wrappers: “MARK TWAIN, the…
The first four issues of this early Californian periodical contained sketches by Twain, all of which were later incorporated into The Innocents Abroad.
This Sunday supplement to The St. Louis Republic reprinted The North American Review’s selections from The Autobiography of Mark Twain in 1907, as did the Sunday Magazine for many other journals around the nation.