Holmes’ notes and first draft of his masterly commentary on Lassus’ motets, along with his edited copies of many of the pieces, were assembled in his working cahier, stamped above and below with his barely-to-be-seen title and name.
Later printed…
An ancient chronicle of unknown origin. Its title indicates, however, that the King was of some extraordinary lineage, and that his love for his equine companion outswapped that of any other monarch. His horse Znorto was both a breeding stallion and…
A book of surprising advice on how to lie effectively. Its directions are so clever that it is difficult to question its sincerity, although it appears in many ways to be a satire on the notorious reputation of Gilles de Rais (“the greatest liar at…
The definitive collection of the legends of the medieval province of Poictesme. Dr. Bülg is sometimes blamed for permitting accretions to the standard corpus without acknowledging their origins, but his magisterial work remains the standard by which…
An example of the unique library of Jean Népomucène Auguste Pichauld, Comte de Fortsas, the legendary collector of singular books. The mighty collectors’ club in Paris bears his name, and they also bear a grudge against the author, as this book is…
Chapuisard was a distinguished Professor at the French school in Bucharest, where he taught Classics. He became convinced that the ancient Greeks had discovered aeronautics in the form of ballooning, having reasoned that any philosopher watching the…