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  • Tags: fictional-science
The foundational principles and rules of the order of the Bene Gesserit. A matriarchal order, their sisterhood was founded shortly after the Butlerian Jihad and achieved the ability to train the bodies and minds of its members to attain what appear…
One of the many, many subjects of this book is the Predictably Terminating Test. To increase its suspense and make the ending unpredictable, the book’s length is disguised by terminating the text well before the end of the pages. The volume contains…
A commemorative edition of Goldstein’s landmark work.
“... a terrible book. A compendium of all the heresies”

The initial chapters are:
I. Ignorance is Strength
II. Freedom is Slavery
III. War is Peace

The book explains the use of the…
A standard textbook for technicians working in nurseries or conditioning rooms. This is the book with which John learns to read before he finds the copy of Shakespeare that will prove so important in his formation. The retro nineteenth-century book…
Also known as The Book of Rassilon, this is one of the Artifacts of Rassilon, an object with a non-bibliotropic function. The book is a physical key to the planet Shada, the Time Lords’ prison planet, to which it gives access. It has an odd…
The standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom. The replacement for the out-of-date Encyclopedia Galactica. The guidebook for the entire universe. A client/server-based intergalactic Baedeker. The most useful book ever written, even when it is…
Bernard Nightingale’s article incorrectly claiming that Lord Byron killed Ezra Chater in a dual at Sidley Park in 1809 seems in retrospect a perfect storm of misinterpreted evidence. The Sidley Park game book, a letter from the distressed lady in…
Hannah Jarvis’ study of the riddle of the hermit of Sidley Park became a popular best-seller, largely because of its sympathetic treatment of what appeared at first to be a mad mathematician. Like many country houses leaning toward a Gothic…
This is Professor Ransom’s major work, in which he explores the semantic relationships among languages and their dialects. The book is well-respected in in the field of philology: Jane Studdock recognized Ransom immediately on its mere mention.…
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