Comentaria magistri Petri Osoma in Sinbolum Quicumque vult. [Commentary by Master Pedro de Osma on the Creed “Whoever wants” (i.e. Athanasian Creed)].

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Pedro Martínez de Osma (1427/30-1480)


Comentaria magistri Petri Osoma in Sinbolum Quicumque vult. [Commentary by Master Pedro de Osma on the Creed “Whoever wants” (i.e. Athanasian Creed)].




Magister Johannes Parix, of Heidelberg


[ca. 1472]


The theologian Pedro Martínez de Osma occupied a prominent place in his day as he expressed ideas previously held by John Wycliffe and later by Martin Luther. The Comentaria is the only work of his that survives in a 15th-century printed edition. In it, he offers a commentary of the Athanasian Creed, a text popular in France and Spain in the 6th and 7th centuries. It is probably the first work of theology published in Spain.

El teólogo Pedro Martínez de Osma ocupó un lugar destacado en su época ya que expresó ideas previamente sostenidas por John Wycliffe y luego por Martín Lutero. La Comentaria es la única obra suya que sobrevive en una edición impresa del siglo XV. En ella, ofrece un comentario del Credo de Atanasio, un texto popular en Francia y España en los siglos VI y VII. Probablemente sea la primera obra de teología publicada en España.


The Hispanic Society Library & Museum