Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Tribus Tomis Distincta.
Rome: [Aldus Manutius the Younger for] Typographia Apostolica Vaticana,
Pope Sixtus V commissioned Aldus the Younger to print a new edition of the Vulgate at the Typographia Apostolica, a Vatican press specifically established to print this edition. The publication was, unfortunately, fraught with textual errors. Aldus attempted to correct those errors by printing and pasting corrections on small slips of paper (see the word “circuitu” in line 16 of the first column). Sixtus V died in August 1590, and his successor, Urban VII, died within days of his election. Gregory XIV, elected pope in December 1590, suppressed this edition on account of its inaccuracies.
From the collection of G. Scott Clemons